Image or Direct Response? Which Do Customers Respond to More?
Most digital, print, radio, and TV ads, brochures, sales letters, flyers, post cards and inserts I see are largely a waste of money.
Businesses ceaselessly broadcast unconvincing sales messages, hoping to capture new customers. Most of these – unbeknown to those who write them – are so ineffective at persuading a prospect to buy, they waste 80% or 90% of the cash spent on them.
Most marketing I see in the UK, USA and Europe is ‘institutional’ or ‘image’ or ‘brand’ marketing. It portrays a selfish me-the-business message, instead of an altruistic you-the-customer message.
It says to prospects: “Buy what I am selling. Give me your money, instead of my competitor.” Messages like this are largely ignored. They may look graphically appealing, or they may amuse your prospects, but they don’t compel them to buy.
From the very first time stone-age man traded a club or flint with his neighbour, the only thing he was interested in was “What’s in it for me?” There’s no way he wandered up to the clubmaker’s cave, wanting to know what business name the bearded one traded under, what beautiful wood carving went into his club making, or how long his enterprise had been established. All he wanted to know was, “How is this club going to help me clobber my next meal?”
Not much has changed! In most respects, human nature is the same today. All your customers want to know is, “What’s in it for me?” They’re screaming, “Tell me the benefits of your product or service and show me the advantage I will gain, and I’ll buy large quantities from you.”
As a business owner trying to sell as many of your products or services as possible, the nearer you get to specifically answering the ‘What’s in it for me?’ question, the more you will sell.
Institutional or image marketing does not come close to compelling a prospect to buy from you. Why? Because, it fails to persuasively demonstrate the benefits and advantages your product or service offers. It doesn’t lead your prospect through the sale to the point of purchase.
How To Grab Prospects’ Attention And Lead Them To Buy Your Product
Since the early 1900s, tens of thousands of market tests and millions of pounds of investment, have proved unarguably that direct-response sales messages out-pull institutional marketing by large margins. Customers and prospects respond in significantly greater numbers to a direct, specific, compelling and detailed sales message, than to a glitzy institutional me-message.
Any piece of marketing, advertising, or promotion that does not evoke some form of immediate response from your reader, listener or viewer, either as an inquiry or a sale is a blatant waste of your cash.
The Folly Of Institutional Marketing
Institutional marketing is what most businesses produce. Typically, they will create an advert with their company or product name across the top, a list and perhaps photographs of what they sell, prices, an ‘established since…’ statement, with their address and telephone number at the bottom.
They are saying here we are, this is what we sell, this is the price, and here’s where you can buy it. But, just presenting me with your product and its price isn’t going to persuade me to buy it.
This type of marketing will hardly, if ever, recover its production cost, let alone generate an optimum profit.
Think about it. When have you ever bought a product after simply seeing it? Before you buy something, you want to discover as much about it as you can. What it will do for you, how it will benefit, help, enrich, make easier, faster, better, your life or your work, or your play, or your relationship. How long it will last, why is it better than a competing product? Will it really do what you want it to do?
Institutional marketing doesn’t answer those questions.
Change Your Institutional Marketing to Direct-Response And Multiply Your Sales Exponentially
When you change your marketing from institutional to direct-response, you will see your sales increase exponentially, for no extra cost. You can invest £1,000 or £10,000 or £100,000 or £1,000,000 and turn it into £10,000, £100,000, £1,000,000 or £10,000,000. Direct-response marketing gives you the power to invest your money, and garner a rapid profit-return of up to hundreds of percent, or more.
Do you fully understand this? With the same marketing pound, you can multiply your response from marginal or unprofitable, to highly profitable. You don’t need extra cash to reap dramatically higher sales and profits from every sales message you put out.
What is direct-response marketing? It is giving your prospect or customer enough of your full sales story to compel him or her to take action and inquire about, or buy, whatever it is you are selling.
It provides sufficient, persuasive sales information to evoke an immediate response from your reader, listener, or viewer. It stirs up interest, creates desire, fulfils needs, and leads your prospect or customer into taking action now.
To discover how to apply it to your business and make your sales messages up to ten times more responsive get on the early bird waiting list for: MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation!
Image or Direct Response? Which Do Customers Respond to More?
Most digital, print, radio, and TV ads, brochures, sales letters, flyers, post cards and inserts I see are largely a waste of money.
Businesses ceaselessly broadcast unconvincing sales messages, hoping to capture new customers. Most of these – unbeknown to those who write them – are so ineffective at persuading a prospect to buy, they waste 80% or 90% of the cash spent on them.
Most marketing I see in the UK, USA and Europe is ‘institutional’ or ‘image’ or ‘brand’ marketing. It portrays a selfish me-the-business message, instead of an altruistic you-the-customer message.
It says to prospects: “Buy what I am selling. Give me your money, instead of my competitor.” Messages like this are largely ignored. They may look graphically appealing, or they may amuse your prospects, but they don’t compel them to buy.
From the very first time stone-age man traded a club or flint with his neighbour, the only thing he was interested in was “What’s in it for me?” There’s no way he wandered up to the clubmaker’s cave, wanting to know what business name the bearded one traded under, what beautiful wood carving went into his club making, or how long his enterprise had been established. All he wanted to know was, “How is this club going to help me clobber my next meal?”
Not much has changed! In most respects, human nature is the same today. All your customers want to know is, “What’s in it for me?” They’re screaming, “Tell me the benefits of your product or service and show me the advantage I will gain, and I’ll buy large quantities from you.”
As a business owner trying to sell as many of your products or services as possible, the nearer you get to specifically answering the ‘What’s in it for me?’ question, the more you will sell.
Institutional or image marketing does not come close to compelling a prospect to buy from you. Why? Because, it fails to persuasively demonstrate the benefits and advantages your product or service offers. It doesn’t lead your prospect through the sale to the point of purchase.
How To Grab Prospects’ Attention And Lead Them To Buy Your Product
Since the early 1900s, tens of thousands of market tests and millions of pounds of investment, have proved unarguably that direct-response sales messages out-pull institutional marketing by large margins. Customers and prospects respond in significantly greater numbers to a direct, specific, compelling and detailed sales message, than to a glitzy institutional me-message.
Any piece of marketing, advertising, or promotion that does not evoke some form of immediate response from your reader, listener or viewer, either as an inquiry or a sale is a blatant waste of your cash.
The Folly Of Institutional Marketing
Institutional marketing is what most businesses produce. Typically, they will create an advert with their company or product name across the top, a list and perhaps photographs of what they sell, prices, an ‘established since…’ statement, with their address and telephone number at the bottom.
They are saying here we are, this is what we sell, this is the price, and here’s where you can buy it. But, just presenting me with your product and its price isn’t going to persuade me to buy it.
This type of marketing will hardly, if ever, recover its production cost, let alone generate an optimum profit.
Think about it. When have you ever bought a product after simply seeing it? Before you buy something, you want to discover as much about it as you can. What it will do for you, how it will benefit, help, enrich, make easier, faster, better, your life or your work, or your play, or your relationship. How long it will last, why is it better than a competing product? Will it really do what you want it to do?
Institutional marketing doesn’t answer those questions.
Change Your Institutional Marketing to Direct-Response And Multiply Your Sales Exponentially
When you change your marketing from institutional to direct-response, you will see your sales increase exponentially, for no extra cost. You can invest £1,000 or £10,000 or £100,000 or £1,000,000 and turn it into £10,000, £100,000, £1,000,000 or £10,000,000. Direct-response marketing gives you the power to invest your money, and garner a rapid profit-return of up to hundreds of percent, or more.
Do you fully understand this? With the same marketing pound, you can multiply your response from marginal or unprofitable, to highly profitable. You don’t need extra cash to reap dramatically higher sales and profits from every sales message you put out.
What is direct-response marketing? It is giving your prospect or customer enough of your full sales story to compel him or her to take action and inquire about, or buy, whatever it is you are selling.
It provides sufficient, persuasive sales information to evoke an immediate response from your reader, listener, or viewer. It stirs up interest, creates desire, fulfils needs, and leads your prospect or customer into taking action now.
To discover how to apply it to your business and make your sales messages up to ten times more responsive get on the early bird waiting list for: MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation!