Rapid Business Wealth Creation
A scientific process any company can use to geometrically grow their profits online and off
Dear Business Owner,
I want to share something with you that’s very special.
Have you ever wondered what the fundamental difference is between one company that achieves extraordinary growth and another that struggles for a breakthrough?
If so, you’ll find the answer is simple – but critical – to your own business success.
For instance:
- Why is one company owner able to dramatically increase sales and profits, while others work harder for smaller returns?
- How on earth does a business with less cash resources, a worse location and half the staff – manage to grow faster and more profitably than another in the same trade?
- What do these business owners know that their competitors don’t?
To discover the answers and to find out how you can apply the powerful marketing techniques that are rocketing sales and profits in hundreds of businesses, to your business – please take 5 minutes to read this message.
It could be one of the most important business decisions you make this year – if not the most important.
If there were a set of specific marketing strategies nearly any business could adopt – and guarantee to dramatically increase sales, multiply bottom line profits, and create powerful competitive advantage – the information would be almost priceless, wouldn’t it?
Over the past seventeen years I’ve discovered, by working with businesses of all types and levels of success, there are clear-cut marketing strategies that generate significantly higher sales and faster-earned profits than almost any others you can use.
I’ve found by applying a combination of 21 specific marketing principles (which I’ll tell you about in a minute) you optimize every business move you make. And get the maximum return for minimum cost and effort.
So sales and profit-successful are these methods people pay me ridiculous amounts of money to share this knowledge with them. If you want my help now you contact me here.
But I’m not telling you this because I want you to become a private client. No. I’ve spent the last two years planning and writing a new course. I call it: MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation.
In it I share all my best ‘insider’ secrets – strategies that’ll rocket your business results, for literally pennies on the pound.
It’s a reference guide to the most powerful business-building strategies I’ve discovered during 20 years of doing business – online and off.
It explains in clear-cut detail how any business owner, director, manager, professional man or woman can apply certain strategies and business philosophies that dramatically accelerate sales and profits.
At first glance, you may think the additional sales and bottom line profits I say you can achieve by following my methods seem unrealistic. Who else claims to engineer up to 500% increases in profits, or 1000% increases in bankable sales-revenues? And who else knows how to create almost ‘unfair’ competitive advantage for his clients?
But when you delve deeper into the methods I use to ethically persuade dozens, hundreds, or thousands more customers to buy, you realise how simple – but critical – my approach is in today’s hyper-competitive business environment.
The 21 Specific Marketing Strategies Behind Every Successful Business
Watching many different businesses over the years – seeing some achieve runaway success, while many struggled, or even failed – I discovered most business owners completely waste their marketing efforts.
I’ve found how – for the same or less marketing cost and the same or less personal effort – you can generate up to ten times more sales and profits.
The foundation of this quantum growth is recognising, understanding, and consistently applying 21 simple – but powerful – growth strategies.
Here they are:
- Changing your sales messages to ‘direct-response’ style copy
- Understanding how to capture dozens, hundreds or thousands of new customers in minimum time
- Using a 7-step formula to keep customers riveted to your sales messages, and ethically persuade them to buy
- Explaining what you sell in detail
- Always giving your ‘reasons why’ in every sales message you ever put out. And with every personal customer contact
- Reversing the risk your customers feel before they decide to buy
- Dramatically increasing sales by marketing to your intended customers only
- Targeting your most ready to buy customers first
- Arranging high-profit host / recipient alliances with other non-competing businesses
- Using an overlooked marketing strategy to increase customer response by up to 300%
- Adopting 23 techniques to out-advertise every one of your competitors
- Turning low response digital ads into high profit sales generators
- Recognising and applying the keys that rocket sales from printed media
- Running simple low-cost or no-cot tests to reduce or eliminate the risk you normally take as a business owner
- Regularly communicating with your customers or clients
- Starting and systematically marketing to your customer database
- Recognising what your customers really want and giving it to them
- Making it easy and pleasurable for customers to buy from you
- Accessing other company’s customers to double your sales or more
- Understanding the lifetime value of your customers and marketing accordingly
- Generating regular large cash-windfalls from hidden assets within your business
When you apply any one of these 21 powerful business–multipliers your results improve considerably. When you combine all 21 strategies, and systematically apply them to all areas of your business you’ll find it hard to believe your soaring profits.
My course uncovers a myriad of ways to increase immediate and long-term sales, expand the number of customers you have, multiply profitability, create high impact advertising and gain ‘instant’ competitive advantage.
Plus it explains how to increase the number of times customers buy from you, how to go about setting up high-profit host / recipient alliances with non-competing businesses – i.e. what to do, who to contact, what to say, etc. – and an almost infallible explanation of precisely how to profit and accumulate personal wealth rapidly, with low risk or no risk whatsoever.
How? By understanding your businesses true financial leverage.
In a nutshell when you apply the strategies I explain in MASS PERSUASION – and you systematically follow through with each one – your business success becomes predictable.
Early Bird Waiting List…
Direct-Response Marketing is The Secret
My private clients love me. Why? Because my breakthrough growth methods largely ignore traditional business advice, marketing practise and ad-agency approaches.
Instead I focus on a series of strategies, concepts and techniques that generate direct customer-response. This is the secret behind building extraordinary business success.
When you produce powerful, attention-getting, interesting, informative messages and ethically persuasive marketing, you generate formidable sales growth. And you do it at a fraction of the cost you would normally expect to spend.
Expect Large Geometric Increases in Growth
When you apply the techniques I want to introduce you to, you can expect your business results to multiply, rapidly. Not small incremental improvements of 10, 15 or 20 percent a year, but large geometric increases suddenly made possible because the 21 strategies work together to create exponential sales and profits growth.
Not one thing I show you is theory. Every strategy is a proven business multiplier. You’ll find well-reasoned answers to your most urgent business questions, problems, challenges – and opportunities.
You’ll discover why most business owners unknowingly limit their success and how to never to make the same mistakes yourself. Plus the simple but vital strategies that make it virtually impossible to fail at any business endeavour.
Get These Milliion-Pound Sales and Profit-Building Answers
- Why bad businesses often succeed and great businesses often fail
- 7 winning profit big-profit sales letters – reproduced word-for- word. One generated £203,000 new sales in 6 weeks for a small company. Another produced over £2 million worth of new sales in 10 weeks. Plus 5 others!
- How to gain ‘instant’ competitive advantage and scoop 10’s, 100’s, or 1000’s of new customers, virtually overnight
- How to access other company’s customers to double your sales, or more.
- 5 secrets to high-profit database marketing. If you don’t already run a customer-database you should start one right away. Here’s why and how to quickly increase your sales.
- How to run simple, low-cost, no-cost, test to increase your sals by up to hundreds of percent.
- How to gain total control of your business results.
- How to grab the attention of your best prospective customers and lead them into buying your product or service.
- The key to writing sales letters that SELL
- How to draw hundreds of customers into retail stores. A powerful retail strategy that gives you instant competitive advantage
- 10 winning techniques that make small ads pay
- 21 attention-grabbing headlines – how to create winning headlines for your product or service and skyrocket your sales
- A 7-step formula for keeping customers riveted to your sales message
- Why most businesses lose the considerably larger response they could easily achieve at no extra cost. How to avoid making the same costly mistake
Growing Your Business is SCIENTIFIC
Contrary to traditional advice achieving extraordinary success has little to do with luck, taking out expensive loans, or being in the right place at the right time. It has almost everything to do with understanding the difference between ‘image-marketing’ and ‘response-marketing’ and how to apply it to your individual business situation.
Here are just two entrepreneurs — at opposite ends of the spectrum — who recently applied what I showed them and boosted their business results dramatically.
This start up beauty business had no working capital, was located in a secondary high street position, and attracted just enough business to break even. The first low-cost strategy I suggested filled her appointment book three months in advance. A second suggestion increased her advertising response by slightly over 1,500%. She now has the knowledge – and cash resources – to grow her fledgling enterprise into a successful, highly profitable venture.
I reveal the strategies that turned her business around in module 13 of MASS PERSUASION.
At the other end of the scale the owner of a London wholesale business supplying high-end retailers throughout the UK, asked for advice on how to gain competitive advantage. He wanted to increase sales but didn’t know how.
I spent three days helping him put together a strategy his competitors had overlooked. The result? The wholesaler generated £2.4million worth of new sales in less than eight weeks.
You’ll find the strategy he used in module 17 of MASS PERSUASION.
You’ll find dozens of actual case studies, examples and money-making wisdom throughout my course. Unlike so many info courses out there I operate on a tell you EVERYTHING you need to know to make your business work. Every important principle, breakthrough concept and mind-set is there for you to discover and apply to your own business situation.
Like How To:
- Target your most ready to buy customers
- Reverse the risk your customers feel before they buy and increase your sales by up to 300%
- Generate higher response to all your advertising, marketing, sales and promotional events by giving your ‘reasons-why’. Experiments show 56% more people respond when given a reason-why
- Skyrocket your business earnings. How simply adding more value is the key to million pound success
- Engineer success now. You don’t have to wait to achieve big results! By owning your own business or being in position of responsibility, you have unlimited opportunity and marketing leverage to create success NOW
- Specialise and you’ll double or triple your sales
- Apply 10 secrets of successful brochure and catalogue design to dramatically boost response
- Increase response to all types of digital, audio, video and print media marketing messages by 800% or more
Clear-Cut Guide to Great Wealth and Amassing a Personal Fortune
As a business owner you’re in a unique position to create wealth. Anyone owning a business can amass great wealth and a personal fortune if they just understand embrace and apply the simple – but powerful – concepts of marketing leverage.
Simply put, every business or profession, no matter what product or service it sells, has the inherent ability to generate hundreds of percent more response. It is virtually impossible not to generate dramatic new sales from the strategies I show you.
Module One will change the way you think about business forever. Once you understand the wealth-building principles it explains you’ll always be in control of your business results – and your financial destiny. The knowledge it contains is probably worth the cost of the entire course.
Early Bird Waiting List…
The Biggest Money Secrets Of All Time
- The financial leverage your business has to make you a multi-million pound fortune hundreds of times faster than passive investments
- How to change the odds of winning and supercharge your business with new streams of high-profit income
- How to access your largest, fastest sales growth by regularly communicating with your customers in an interesting, informative, educational and newsworthy way
- How to arrange high profit, host-recipient alliances, with other non-competing businesses
- 33-point check list to make it easy and pleasurable for customers to buy from you
- The psychology of buying – understand this and you hold to key to virtually unlimited sales
- How to generate large new profits quickly
- How to only ever page for SALES not advertising
- How to make your product or service irresistible to you customers
I nearly forgot…
7 Rapid Business Multipliers – how to generate £10,000 – £100,000 New Business and Cash Almost Overnight
The final modules reveal how you can generate £10,000 – £100,000 new business and cash, virtually overnight. And how to continue using the strategies to keep growing your business by quantum leaps.
Just about any business can use these strategies. It makes no difference whether you’re established or just starting out. Or what you sell or whether you’re an entrepreneur or a professional. These rapid business multipliers provide you with an influx of cash sales faster than any others I’ve been exposed to.
Free Bonus Reports For Early Bird Subscribers
I’ve planned 24 modules in MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation. Each one currently costs £27. That’s a ‘business success’ degree for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day! Total cost: £648.
But, I like to reward decisive decision takers. If you reserve your place on the Early Bird Waiting List today, I’m happy to let you have each of the first five modules for just £5 apiece.
That saves you £110 off the full price and makes sure you’ll get on the course when it’s released. (I’m only accepting 100 people initially to make sure my customer care team can handle questions promptly and provide great service.)
And don’t be surprised if the prices of each module go up as launch day approaches. If you leave I can’t guarantee this offer will be available later.
PLUS if you join up today, you gain instant access to this ‘business-saving’ report:
7 Quick Cash Solutions for Struggling Businesses
Often a business has a great product, or offers a great service, but runs out of cash. And is then in danger of bankruptcy or insolvency. Years of hard work can be wiped out in days. Why? Because their marketing was ineffective. But new marketing takes time implement.
What can you do if you need money now? Here are my 7 top cash-solutions you can use to quickly turn your business around without borrowing from a bank. Even if your business is in great shape right now, you never know when you might need a quick cash infusion. Depending on your business these solutions can raise anything from £5,000 to £50,000 – virtually overnight.
To access ‘7 Quick Cash Solutions’ now, just enter your first name and best email in the Early Bird registration form below.
Early Bird Waiting List…
I’m just putting the finishing touches to MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation. It should be ready in the next month or so. Maybe sooner.
I’ll be publishing what’s in each module over the next few weeks. Meanwhile if you have a specific marketing challenge you’re facing right now please let me know here.
One More Thing. It’s Important – YOUR GUARANTEE…
I want you to be 100% satisfied – with the business building strategies and moneymaking techniques revealed in MASS PERSUASION : Rapid Business Wealth Creation. So it comes with a full money-back, risk-free, double guarantee.
Here’s the best offer I can make you:
Experience Modules: 1 to 5 of MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation for just £5 each by joining the Early Bird Waiting List today!
Absorb all the information they contain and apply it to your business. Discover how sales and profit oriented the strategies are and how quickly they make your business more prosperous.
Examine each growth principle – and each specific concept. Gain an understanding of every powerful business building technique and profit-multiplying method.
If – after 30 days – after you’ve had a chance to apply what I show you, you don’t think the insider secrets revealed in MASS PERSUASION will help you grow your individual business by dramatic amounts, engineer higher profits, substantially shorten the time it takes you to succeed, produce regular, large cash windfalls and give you the powerful competitive advantage you want – and need – to grow your business geometrically, simply contact my customer care team and we’ll cancel your purchase and give you a full and prompt refund.
Second, subscribe to MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation for a full year, risk-free.
If – at any time during the next 12 months – you feel the course is not continuing to provide you with unequalled advice of high-profit ideas and sales generating techniques that you want to keep forever, again just let me know and I’ll arrange a full refund of ALL COURSE FEES even if you’ve completed EVERY MODULE in the course.
Why am I giving you an unprecedented, year-long money-back guarantee? Because I know you won’t find the information I divulge in MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation anywhere else on Earth. That’s how valuable it is.
So really the chances of you ever wanting to return it and not wanting to constantly refer to the myriad of powerful bottom line strategies it shows you how to adopt – and the invaluable wealth generating material it reveals – are very small indeed.
But I believe you – not me – should be the final judge.
Will my growth strategies work to rapidly grow every business, in every market, every time? Probably not. There are always a few businesses that even the most powerful and proven marketing concepts won’t have a great effect on.
But one thing’s for certain, it won’t cost you a penny to find out. If you feel your business can’t profit immensely from the special marketing tactics I reveal in MASS PERSUASION, please accept my apologies for wasting your time. Just let me know and I’ll arrange your refund – even a year from now.
And keep any extra bonuses I give you as my way of saying thanks for giving it a try.
All I ask is you give the strategies I reveal in MASS PERSUASION a fair chance and add up all the business-building opportunities and competitive advantages it gives you. Then consider who else has ever given you this level of detailed, actionable advice.
I hope you agree this is the fairest offer I can make. If you at all a student of ideas that can make you tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands — or realistically – millions of pounds for just about any conceivable business or practice, reserve your place on MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation now.
All the Best,
Antony Howard
Founder, Jackpot Marketing
P.S. – MASS PERSUASION: Rapid Business Wealth Creation explains my most powerful business building strategies. Discover the ideas, mind-set, concepts, methods and strategies that’ll grow your business dramatically. And the wealth philosophies that make it 100 times more likely you can build a personal fortune. You risk nothing — for a full year. And if you get on the Early Bird Waiting List today, you get the first 5 modules for a fraction of their true worth. Reserve your place now.