What if I gave you £1,000,000 in cash?

What would you do to improve your sales, if I gave you £1,000,000 cash?

Well, I’m going to – figuratively. The information in this article is as good as crisp new notes drawn from the bank.

First, let’s set the scene.

Virtually every day, I see business men and women – and their employees – rack their brains, exert their energy, and spend cash, all with one main purpose: to find new customers.

Yet, 95% of their efforts are largely wasted. They invest £1,000, £5,000, £10,000, £100,000, or more, but that investment is hard pushed to make a profit.

Why? Because where they invest it, and how they employ it (effectiveness of their strategy, or the skill of their advertising copy, for instance), is not capable of generating an immediate and high response.

Put differently, £95 out of every £100 put into growing most businesses, is usually unlikely to result in exciting growth. And, certainly unlikely to propel the owner of that business toward success and a personal fortune.

When I visit a new client, the first thing I do is look for “hidden assets” in the business.

In virtually every case, I find assets, possibilities, and untapped resources, the business owner hasn’t recognised, which – when leveraged – rapidly generate a cash windfall of £10,000 to £1,000,000, or more.

I would wager it is true of your business or practice.

Let me share one of the most frequently under-utilised assets I discover – the ability to ‘buy’ tens of thousands or millions of pounds’ worth of advertising with ‘cash’ most business owners never realise they have.

Of course, I’m talking about FREE PUBLICITY!

For a reason I don’t understand, most business owners never seriously pursue publicity. Those who do, receive thousands upon thousands of pounds of advertising, that brings in untold levels of new sales and profits – for free. Look at what Richard Branson gets up to!

How To Get Up To £1 Million Or More Worth Of FREE Publicity For Your Business Each Year

In order to get free publicity you must either:

  1. Be newsworthy.

  2. Be controversial or outrageous.

  3. Have an unusual “angle.”

  4. Solve a problem.

  5. Be eccentric.

Here’s a quick course primer on each. You’ll find a lot more hints tips and tricks in my new course MASS PERSUASION:

Be Newsworthy:

Have you developed from scratch – or improved – a product or service that creates a notable improvement on anything already existing in your market?

If so, it’s newsworthy!

Be Controversial:

Remember what happened with the controversial potency pill, Viagra? Even before it was on the market, it attracted millions of pounds’ worth of free publicity, which created instant demand.

You can make a controversial claim about almost any subject. One caveat: make sure you can back it up.

Have an Unusual ‘Angle’:

Almost any product or service can have an unusual ‘angle’ tagged to it. It just takes a little imagination and brainstorming.

If you were an investment broker, you could focus on investments particularly suited to people aged 65 or over. Or, 30 something couples. Or, teenagers.

Imagine – if you could show teenagers how to start investing now, and accrue a net worth of £1,000,000 by the time they were 45, you’d get publicity!

Solve A Problem:

This is probably the easiest method of getting free publicity. Solve a problem which, ideally, many people have (although niche market problem solving works too), and the media will take notice.

What problem does your product or service solve? Describe it in a press release, and tell the world how it works!

Be Eccentric:

The media – especially live media – love an unusual personality. Being eccentric can get you a lot of media exposure.

But, be careful. Being eccentric does not suit many business identities. Media pick up on it because it’s different, and will attract more readers, listeners, or viewers – which is their perpetual goal.

Publicity Is More Powerful Than Advertising

To conclude, publicity is far more powerful than advertising. And free! Make the pursuit of it a systematic and relentless element of your marketing strategy. It will pay you big dividends.

This information is – as promised – worth £10,000 – £1,000,000, or more, in free advertising. Put a small amount of effort into regularly writing exciting press releases and watch your sales soar – for free!

For more great information including:

What if I gave you £1,000,000 in cash?

What would you do to improve your sales, if I gave you £1,000,000 cash?

Well, I’m going to – figuratively. The information in this article is as good as crisp new notes drawn from the bank.

First, let’s set the scene.

Virtually every day, I see business men and women – and their employees – rack their brains, exert their energy, and spend cash, all with one main purpose: to find new customers.

Yet, 95% of their efforts are largely wasted. They invest £1,000, £5,000, £10,000, £100,000, or more, but that investment is hard pushed to make a profit.

Why? Because where they invest it, and how they employ it (effectiveness of their strategy, or the skill of their advertising copy, for instance), is not capable of generating an immediate and high response.

Put differently, £95 out of every £100 put into growing most businesses, is usually unlikely to result in exciting growth. And, certainly unlikely to propel the owner of that business toward success and a personal fortune.

When I visit a new client, the first thing I do is look for “hidden assets” in the business.

In virtually every case, I find assets, possibilities, and untapped resources, the business owner hasn’t recognised, which – when leveraged – rapidly generate a cash windfall of £10,000 to £1,000,000, or more.

I would wager it is true of your business or practice.

Let me share one of the most frequently under-utilised assets I discover – the ability to ‘buy’ tens of thousands or millions of pounds’ worth of advertising with ‘cash’ most business owners never realise they have.

Of course, I’m talking about FREE PUBLICITY!

For a reason I don’t understand, most business owners never seriously pursue publicity. Those who do, receive thousands upon thousands of pounds of advertising, that brings in untold levels of new sales and profits – for free. Look at what Richard Branson gets up to!

How To Get Up To £1 Million Or More Worth Of FREE Publicity For Your Business Each Year

In order to get free publicity you must either:

  1. Be newsworthy.

  2. Be controversial or outrageous.

  3. Have an unusual “angle.”

  4. Solve a problem.

  5. Be eccentric.

Here’s a quick course primer on each. You’ll find a lot more hints tips and tricks in my new course MASS PERSUASION:

Be Newsworthy:

Have you developed from scratch – or improved – a product or service that creates a notable improvement on anything already existing in your market?

If so, it’s newsworthy!

Be Controversial:

Remember what happened with the controversial potency pill, Viagra? Even before it was on the market, it attracted millions of pounds’ worth of free publicity, which created instant demand.

You can make a controversial claim about almost any subject. One caveat: make sure you can back it up.

Have an Unusual ‘Angle’:

Almost any product or service can have an unusual ‘angle’ tagged to it. It just takes a little imagination and brainstorming.

If you were an investment broker, you could focus on investments particularly suited to people aged 65 or over. Or, 30 something couples. Or, teenagers.

Imagine – if you could show teenagers how to start investing now, and accrue a net worth of £1,000,000 by the time they were 45, you’d get publicity!

Solve A Problem:

This is probably the easiest method of getting free publicity. Solve a problem which, ideally, many people have (although niche market problem solving works too), and the media will take notice.

What problem does your product or service solve? Describe it in a press release, and tell the world how it works!

Be Eccentric:

The media – especially live media – love an unusual personality. Being eccentric can get you a lot of media exposure.

But, be careful. Being eccentric does not suit many business identities. Media pick up on it because it’s different, and will attract more readers, listeners, or viewers – which is their perpetual goal.

Publicity Is More Powerful Than Advertising

To conclude, publicity is far more powerful than advertising. And free! Make the pursuit of it a systematic and relentless element of your marketing strategy. It will pay you big dividends.

This information is – as promised – worth £10,000 – £1,000,000, or more, in free advertising. Put a small amount of effort into regularly writing exciting press releases and watch your sales soar – for free!

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